Ansible-Automation Everywhere

Samarjeet Saurabh
3 min readMay 16, 2020

Ansible is an IT automation configuration tool used to handle the configuration. It is not a deployment tool, it is basically configuration management tool used as a deployment tool in most of the organization. Ansible is written in Python.

It is working on ssh command to configure the environment.

Architecture\Working of Ansible

Ansible works by connecting to your nodes and pushing out small programs, called “Ansible modules” to them. Ansible then executes these modules (over SSH by default), and removes them when finished. Your library of modules can reside on any machine, and there are no servers, daemons, or databases required.

There are 2 types of machine

Control machine − Machine from where we can manage other machines.

Remote machine − Machines which are handled/controlled by control machine

Ansible Architecture Diagram

The management node in the below picture is the controlling node (managing node) which controls the entire execution of the playbook. It’s the node from which you are running the installation. The inventory file provides the list of hosts where the Ansible modules needs to be run and the management node does a SSH connection and executes the small modules on the hosts machine and installs the product/software.

Installation of Ansible(Run below in Controller machine)

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible & sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install ansible

Note :-

Ansible controller setup can be done only on Linux machine.

Inventory File

Inventory file contains the list of target server.

Below are the steps to create inventory file

mkdir ansible-test

cd ansible-test

cat > inventory.txt

variable_name ansible_hosts =<IP> ansible_ssh_pass=<pwd>

You can classify these hostname into group in inventory file with below syntax-


variable_name ansible_hosts =<IP> ansible_ssh_pass=<pwd>

For windows node,add the below in inventory file

<variable_name> ansible_hosts=<IP> ansible_connection=winrm ansible_user=<user> ansible_password=<password>


A single YML file which have set of instructions

Task-a set of action to performed on the hosts.



name: ping test

hosts: all


- name: ping to test the connection



Module can control system resources which is used to perform a specific task on the target Node.

There are different Modules in Ansible

1.Command-execute a command on remote node


command: cat resolv.config chdir=/etc

command: mkdir /folder creates=/folder

2. Service –used o manage the service


4.Database etc

Variables, Loop and Conditions

Variables –a simple name which stores the data

ex- ansible_host, ansible_connection

Loops- A task perform multiple times


tasks: name= {{}}


- name: joe

- name:sam

Conditions- task perform when the given conditions satisfied.

name: nginx

state: present

when: ansible_os_family==“Ubuntu”


Roles used to make your task reusable for all the project.


- name : Install




User can create custom roles and uploaded to the ansible galaxy.

Ansible-galaxy init mysql

Few command you can try-

Ansible_galaxy search mysql

ansible-galaxy install geerlingy.mysql

Ansible-galaxy list

Ansible-config dump | grep ROLE

Ansible-galaxy install geerlinguy.mysql –p /roles

Ad-hoc Command

Ansible abc -m copy -a “src = /etc/yum.conf dest = /tmp/yum.conf”

Ansible abc -m yum -a “name = demo-tomcat-1 state = present”

Ansible abc -m yum -a “name = demo-tomcat-1 state = latest”

Ansible abc -m yum -a “name = demo-tomcat-1 state = latest”


Handlers are our way of calling a Task after some other Task completes.

Handlers are like a task used whenever notify.

hosts: all


- name: Install Nginx

apt: pkg=nginx



notify: -

Start Nginx handlers:

- name: Start Nginx service:



